Surabaya: Unesa University PressĪmbler, Vic. Bolabasket Kembar.Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo PersadaĪli Maksum. Keywords: target game, shooting under the ring, basketballĪbdin, Akros. The influence is also shown by the posttest average value of 4,560> 2,810 pretest average value
Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant effect after being given a treatment of the target game on the ability to shoot under the ring in students of SMP Negeri 35 Makassar. Based on the analysis of the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that tcount = 4.990> ttable (0.05) = 2.039, the hypothesis is accepted. Data analysis techniques used the t test analysis and had previously been tested for normality and homogeneity through the SPSS 21 program at a significant level α = 0.05. The instrument used in this study was a performance test for shooting under the basketball ball ring. Data collection techniques in this study used the test. The sampling technique is Proportionv Sampling. The sample used was grade VII students as many as 30 people. The population is all students of Makassar 35 Public Middle School. This research is a type of quantitative research through a one group pretest-posttest design experimental approach that aims to find out The effect of the target game on the ability to shoot under the ring basketball in SMP Negeri 35 Makassar students.